Thursday, 29 December 2011

I am an idiot.

Hi guys.

I did something really, really bad. But before I tell you about it look at the below gif. Doesn't it make you happy? It's a penguin and everyone knows penguins are adorable. Over the holidays I watched Happy Feet and it really reminded me about how cute these little guys are. I snagged this from tumblr if you're wondering.

Back in November I did a post about going out for a meal with my family to celebrate my younger cousin's birthdays. That night I had my little digital camera with me which I carry around because it's impractical to always use my DSLR. After that night I noticed my MAC lipstick and this camera was missing. Whilst the MAC lipstick did turn up eventually, the camera never did. I'm certain I had it at the end of the night so it was possibly lost when I was in the taxi home!

I'm really mad at myself because most of my photos have to be taken on my Blackberry now. I was going to buy myself a new camera this month but I spent that money on a TV for my Nan as hers broke and I felt awful about her sitting alone listening to depressing music.

I had photos of my old cat, Fluffy, on that camera which I will never see again. How sad!

I'll do a Christmas post shortly, I haven't felt like blogging too much.


  1. I lost the camera so I can't take pictures anymore! It was a birthday present too. :P
