
Thursday 22 May 2014

How Not to Treat Customers: A Negative Lockshop Review

After lusting after their wigs for absolutely months I finally bit the bullet and purchased a wig from Lockshop as mentioned in a GETS post from late last month. I had a few e-mails from you lovely blogders asking me to review the wig once it came which I have been eagerly awaiting to do.

Unfortunately, my review of Lockshop is less than glowing and I won't be able to use the lashings of compliments I was saving for their wigs. I've always heard about how good quality they are, how quickly items arrive and how nice the customer service team is which is why I chose to purchase from Lockshop instead of one of my usual wig providers.

However, I honestly can say I don't recommend Lockshop as a wig provider as I'm thoroughly disappointed by the treatment I've received from them.

I purchased the wig well in advance as I required this by today, 22nd May, and had an absolutely smooth payment run. All transactions were completed via PayPal.

Shortly after I made the grave error of clearing out my inbox, clearing out the e-mails I had received from Lockshop in the process. I really regret doing that as it had my tracking number in. The site Lockshop had sent me for tracking was and I had successfully tracked the wig a few times before I lost all e-mails received between 17th April - 23rd April which was when these emails were sent.

I have tried restoring them from my Deleted folder but nothing will bring them up.

On 14th May I began to get concerned that no parcel had arrived. The YesAsia order I ordered the same day and was dispatched well after the Lockshop order had already arrived. As Lockshop is based within the EU I began to wonder if there had been a problem with my parcel and if there was anything that I could do resolve it if that was the case.

Using the information that was available to me on their Paypal, Tumblr, etc. I sent Lockshop an e-mail hoping to get some help from them in trying to locate my missing parcel. In the e-mail I included my full name which is what I had ordered under as well as the Paypal ID which they would have been able to look up and associate an order number with.

I awaited a response to my e-mail and checked my Spam folder every day. However, I didn't receive a response from them. Beginning to become frustrated I began venting on social media platforms such as Twitter hoping I would get a response as I could see that they had been updating their Instagram, Twitter, etc. and I was feeling ignored.

During this time period Lockshop, who have never ever associated with me before, began 'liking' pictures on my Instagram which was frustrating.

Lockshop's Twitter representative was nothing but helpful with me which was something I greatly appreciated! They advised I send another e-mail and also use the Contact Us form on Lockshop's website.

This is when alarm bells first started going off in my head as I found it slightly alarming that they had overlooked an e-mail that was sent to an e-mail address that Lockshop have been actively promoting on their Tumblr, Facebook, etc. as seen below:

I sent another e-mail and have received no response.

Beginning to become angry and frustrated at Lockshop I used the contact form on the website. I vented my frustrations and mentioned that I felt as though I could no longer recommend Lockshop to my blog readers and friends due to the poor service I had received from them so far. I also mentioned that if I didn't get a response (bearing in mind this was the third time I had attempted to contact them) I would be opening a Paypal dispute as I have not received the goods I paid for.

Due to becoming annoyed I was less polite in this message to them as I had been in previous messages.

I was surprised to receive a message back from Lockshop shortly after as by this point in time I had spent over a week trying to garner some sort of response from their customer service team. When filling in their Contact Us form it asks for order details (Order ID, etc.)

I was surprised when they asked for details I had already provided them with as well as insinuating that asking for my money back due to non-receipt of goods and poor service was threatening. Informing my blog readers of exactly how I've been treated by Lockshop with truthfully as I can with evidence is not threatening. It is simply telling the truth. Even if I had received my goods I would be doing a review mentioning at how poor I find Lockshop's Customer Services team.

It also feels as though Lockshop's Customer Service is unwilling to help me and is only begrudgingly doing so as it is their job,

Their response also confirmed one of my fears: Lockshop aren't actively checking an email address they are promoting for their store. Overlooking one e-mail I can understand, especially when they are in a busy period of moving warehouses. Two, not so much, especially when this e-mail address was the same one linked to their Paypal.

Adding insult to injury I woke up this morning to Lockshop liking Instagram photos of mine after being rude to me so I'm even less impressed with them. I'm being unbelievably petty but it feels like it's been in bad taste.

Would I recommend Lockshop to my readers?

No, I would not.

Would I purchase from Lockshop again?

I'm not particularly fond of throwing my money away for nothing. I had considered purchasing their Starlet wig or a Lucky Pack if they were still in stock if my wig ever showed up but that's out of the question.

I am honestly disappointed with my experience from what I thought was a reputable company. I will be continuing to purchase wigs from my current providers, one of those being Coscraft who tend to get my wigs to me the day after ordering.

Thank you for reading!

email me

1 comment:

  1. Hey claranee!
    I just orderes a wig from lockshop about 3 weeks ago- and it's still not shipped out! So I wrote them a message and they told me that it's sold out. But I paid 3 weeks ago WTF!
    I wouldn't recommend this shop either.
    By the way - cute blog, I'll follow you! ♥
    xo, Ami
