
Thursday 17 April 2014


You know what's fun? I'll tell you what's fun. Declaring your eternal, undying love to a musical artist of a genre you once said you'd never, ever like is fun.

Meet Mizkai.

"Mizkai begun life as a Petri-dish of sugar solution in a secret laboratory nestled somewhere in the quaint British countryside.
A life-form created from a chemical compound recovered from the furthest reaches of space, destined to one day awaken and brainwash the populace with cute hypnotic lo-fi soundscapes using archaic handheld consoles."

Mizkai is a UK based artist who specialises in chiptune. Whilst it's not a genre for everyone Mizkai brings something to it that I quite haven't experienced whilst listening to other chiptune artists: she brings fun. In an array of sparkles and a fashion style that's in your face she brings down beats that I didn't even know a Gameboy was capable of making.

Seriously if music on the games were like this years ago we'd have all been hooked. Imagine our parents trying to pry the consoles from us. Oh, the horror.

Mizkai is fortunate enough to have played in various places throughout Europe ranging from the UK to Belgium. It's easy to see why. With her psychedelic and fun beats pounding in your head it's easy to let go and just have fun dancing complete nonsense. Who cares if you look like a idiot at her gigs? Hey, the guy dancing next to you is probably going wilder than you are!

If an artist is able to inject their personality and fun into their work then they're definitely worth watching. Gone are the days of playing tragic solos on the violins! It's a new, electronic age now.

Even if chiptune isn't your thing I'd still recommend at least giving the girl behind the music a sliver of your time. Mizkai produces her own handmade accessories that are seriously adorable. Or full of attitude. Even both.

She also does chiptune remixes of Kyarypamyupamyu. It's something that you probably didn't know you wanted.

Mizkai @ Bandcamp
Mizkai @ Facebook
Mizkai @ Twitter

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