
Sunday 9 March 2014

5 Circle Lens Tips

Having finally been bitten by the bug that are circle lenses, I thought it would be useful for both you guys and myself if I did a post on them.

Aka, circle lens safety.

It’s easy to say that you know everything about them already but I was horrified recently when I learnt that one of my friends had taken the lenses straight out of the glass vial and into her eye. I think that once you’ve worn them for a certain amount of time it’s easy to get complacent and think that you can bypass certain things.

1. Visit your optician to make sure your eyes are suitable.

This is important since you might not have a base curve that works well with lenses.

If you’re like me and have had laser eye surgery it’s even more important as the surgery can alter your eye. Even if you’ve been able to wear lenses beforehand it might have changed so it’s important to get it checked. I went to see my optician before even purchasing my lens just to make sure that my eyes would be suitable.

So yes, visiting your optician is very important! Otherwise you could be risking your eyesight and to be frank, it’s not worth it.

2. Buy your lenses from a trusted source.

There are lots of reliable sellers out there but remember you always get what you pay for. Cheaper lenses could be damaging to your eyes or even fakes which would cause eye damage.

GEO Medical is a good brand to start looking at as they have an anti-fake system which means that your lenses will be 100% legit and not fakes. Other reputable stores include Pinky Paradise and Honey Color.

3. Keep track of expiration dates.

This is super important! Putting out-dated contact lenses into your eyes risks damaging them. I change the cases of mine every six months and keep the expiration dates in a notebook next to where all of my lenses are stored so I know which ones I can throw out. Mine run out in October so I’ll stop using them mid-September just in case.

4. Put the lenses in before your make-up and with clean hands.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to make sure you have clean eyes when handling lenses! You don’t want a horrible eye infection ruining your looks, do you?

If you put your lenses in after putting your make-up on not only do you risk ruining your make-up but you also risk getting make-up onto the lenses and then into your eyes. Uh-oh, that’s bad!

5. If they hurt, take them out.

I can’t stress the importance of this! It’s really important because if it hurts it could mean there’s something wrong. Always listen to what your body is telling you. I was once in a photoshoot and my eyes were starting to hurt really badly and I ended up walking off set to take them off. Everyone totally understood because your vision is important.

If they hurt, take them out and use artificial tear eyedrops to help soothe them. After an hour or so my eyes felt normal again and it had no effect on my vision.

To summarise:
1. Visit your opticians to make sure your eyes are suitable.
2. Buy your lenses from a trusted source.
3. Keep track of expiration dates.
4. Put the lenses in before your make-up and with clean hands.
5. If they hurt, take them out.

Stay sweet!

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