
Sunday 16 February 2014

Birthday Wishlist

With my birthday rapidly approaching I thought it'd be super cute to do a wishlist of sorts. A girl can dream, can't she? Sadly I'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting and it's none of these things but I'll definitely be going for them in the future.

What am I getting instead? Uh... a gaming mouse and a new gaming headset to play League of Legends with. I'm a total girly girl, okay? (They're not even pink...)

1. Naked 3 I survived the hype surrounding Naked. I fell in love with Naked 2. With the softer pinks of Naked 3 I declare this an essential to my make-up bag. Every time I've popped by my local store to purchase it the palette has been out of stock. Next time I'll be lucky!

2. Mermaid Honey Do I look good with blonde hair? Nope. Isn't going to stop me from wanting to wear a lighter hair colour so I thought that this would be a nice substitute. I've been lusting after this for awhile but I just haven't made the commitment. Yet.

3. Etude House Etoinette Heart Blusher My current favourite blush is coming to the end of it's life and I've been looking for something pink to replace it. When this caught my eye I decided that this was the one. I don't even know if I'd use it as opposed to how pretty it'd look on my dressing table but it's so pretty that I can't help but want it.

4. Geo Princess Mimi (Bambi Series) Lenses I've lusted after these lens for the longest time. Between these and the Sesame Green I decided that one of these two pairs would absolutely be my first set of circle lens. Were they? No. Oops.

5. Heart Choker I'm still madly in love with the choker trend that swept the fashion world by storm. Instead of something over the top and gaudy, something cute but plain like this would be a lovely touch to any outfit.

6. Whiplash Look at these. Look at them. They're ridiculously cute and the mint green is on trend for the pastel trend of spring. Girly and cute, these need to be in my shoe collection.

7. Wreck this Journal by Keri Smith I've been sighing and coming back to this over and over again but since I'm not a particularly creative person I'm too stubborn to allow myself to buy it. I still want it. Will I do it? Probably not.

8. Art Supplies This links to the last thing. Not being a particularly creative or talented person whatever art supplies I did have are wrecked. I'm pretty sure I only have some beads, wire, jewelry hooks and pink spray paint left. I wonder what sort of masterpiece I could create with those, huh?

9. Candy Doll Face Powder This is my holy grail of face powders. I haven't used anything that has kept my skin looking as matte as it does and sets my makeup quite as well. I'm probably going to cry when my current stash of it runs out.

Tenth wish, you say?


Nice weather perhaps? I hate the cold!

Stay sweet! ♥

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